COVID Catch Up Premium
Catch Up Strategy
The government is providing schools with £650 million of universal catch-up premium funding for the 2020/2021 academic year. The aim of the funding is to help pupils catch up on education they have missed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to make up for lost teaching over the previous months. The Education Endowment Foundation has released its School Planning Guide which schools can use to develop their plans for the premium.
At Richard Hill School, we are using the catch up funding allocation to provide the following:
- Additional release time for teachers during afternoons, delivered by a qualified sports coach, to allow for one to one or small group targeted teaching groups by qualified teachers.
- Out of hours catch up 'clubs' in all classes for targeted pupils, run by experienced LSAs and HLTAs, in Reading, Writing and Maths.
- Enhanced LSA support in KS2 to address gaps in Maths and Reading.
- Purchase of additional devices to support our most vulnerable pupils with home learning in the event of self-isolation.